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Leveraging Technology for Building Authentic Relationships - Attorney At Work

No matter the platform or technology, building authentic relationships requires being intentional, curious, and vulnerable. Consider these strategies from executive coach and former AmLaw and Apple lawyer Rudhir Krishtel.

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Addressing Power Imbalance in Law Firms for a More Inclusive Future

Power imbalances significantly affect our team dynamics, morals, member growth, and culture. In this article, Rudhir explores topics including understanding the impact of imbalance, recognizing power sources, valuing hierarchy while questioning it, acknowledging the power paradox, embracing collaborative and inclusive leadership styles, and breaking down barriers to mitigate negative power effects.

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The Importance of Inner Work with Rudhir Krishtel

Thought-provoking discussion between Dr. Kevin Sansberry and Rudhir Kirshtel on the connection between our inner world and the outer world opens doors to personal growth and authentic connections.

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Coaching Corner with Rudhir Krishtel

Dive into the journey of Rudhir Krishtel, a seasoned Coach, Transformational Speaker, and former Apple in-house counsel and AmLaw Partner. Rudhir's expertise shines through as he discusses the intersections of leadership, inclusion, and well-being, drawing from his background as a yogi and mindfulness expert. Through purpose-driven efforts, Rudhir and his team have made a profound impact, leaving a lasting impression on those who have witnessed his growth and the value he brings to his practice.

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How to Retain Your Empathy & Humanity as a Practicing Lawyer: Rudhir Krishtel

Rudhir Krishtel as he shares his transformative journey from law firm partner and in-house counsel at Apple to pursue his true passion. Discover the kindest gesture he's ever received, the life-changing impact of his first real vacation in decades, and his insights on living at the edge and what makes for a meaningful life.

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The Anger Podcast: Connecting the Dots to 10x Your Law Practice with Rudhir Krishtel

Leadership. Diversity, equity, and inclusion. Wellness. Business development. What do all of these have in common? They are all connected. When you tune into your leadership, you recognize the responsibility to create an inclusive environment. When you create a safe space, you promote the wellness of those around you. When you continue to design and build your community, business development follows. But where do we even start? That’s what we cover today with Rudhir Krishtel, who was a big law attorney for a decade and then in house counsel at Apple for five.

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